
Dia duit! I'm Alan Dooley; as Gáelige, Ailín O'Dubhlaoich is ainm dom; hence my online pseudonym, "ADubhlaoich". My areas of professional interest are software accessibility and technical writing. I currently make a living doing the latter, but it doesn't preclude me from continuing to work a little bit on everything - including this website.

I write about whatever has my interest at a given point in time. Part of why I'm maintaining this website is to push myself to try build in public for all of my interests, technology or otherwise. Right now my main hobby and community is swing dancing, so you'll notice a lot of my writing revolves around it.

If you'd like to learn more about me, you can email me at web@adubhlaoi․ch. I'm not active on social media, but you can find me on Mastodon. My username is the same everywhere except for online games, where I would prefer not to make it easy for opponents to find me.

Most of what I write is for myself. For everyone else, I'm a fan of this quote:

I am offering these words for your entertainment, and to entertain myself. I am not trying to improve you, and I really do not know how I would improve you. It would be imprudent for me to recommend any improvements, because one never knows how these things may turn out - and as they say, be careful of what you wish for, because you may get it.

Alan Watts, Still the Mind